Analyzing Performance Goals

Analyzing Performance Goals

Employee Performance Goals Defined

Employee performance goals are performance expectations related to his or her job tasks and responsibilities that are to be accomplished over the course of a business year.  These goals enable employees to plan and organize their work so that they are able to achieve these pre-set targets.


Goal Analysis

Effective goal setting includes an analysis of all aspects of the goal. Therefore, after the initial goal statements have been written, review each goal to help ensure it is worth pursuing, clearly stated, and likely to be achieved.

The following questions are intended to help analyze the goal statement. Review each set of questions for each goal.


Intended Outcome

  • What are the intended results or outcomes?
  • What benefits are expected from achieving this goal?
  • Is the goal worth pursuing?
  • Does the goal align with the organization’s objectives, vision, mission, and strategies?
  • Does the employee have significant control over the results or outcomes?
  • Is the goal relevant and connected to the employee core job duties?
  • Does the employee understand the value of achieving the goal?



Written Criteria

  • Is the goal statement clear and understandable?
  • How will success be measured?
  • How will we know the goal has been accomplished?
  • Is there a target date for completion?
  • Is it a reasonable timeframe for completion?



Possible obstacles

  • Is the goal likely to be achieved?
  • Is the goal challenging enough?
  • Is the employee motivated to pursue the goal?
  • Do we have the resources needed to accomplish the goal?
  • Does the employee have the required knowledge or skill needed to achieve the goal?
  • What additional knowledge or skill will the employee need?
  • Do we have the resources and time to obtain the necessary knowledge or skills?
  • What possible obstructions could arise while pursuing the goal?
  • What can be done to prevent those obstructions or address them if and when they arise?




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