Elements of Course Design

Elements of Course Design

The main elements of course design include;

  • Need Analysis
  • Learning or Course Goal
  • Learning Objectives
  • Assessments
  • Delivery Methods and Strategies
  • Activities


Training Need Analysis

Training needs analysis is the process of identifying the training and development needs of the organization’s employees so that they can do their job effectively.

The needs analysis is the first stage in the development process of a training program. It is concerned with addressing skills gaps at various levels of an organization. It does this by assessing the knowledge, skills, concepts, and attitudes necessary to perform the job functions.

The needs analysis will pinpoint the required level of skill and knowledge as well as the current level of skill and knowledge to determine the gap. In addition to identifying this gap, the process will determine whether training will indeed address the problem which has been identified.


Course Goal

The course goal is the overall intended results for the learners to attain from the educational session. The goal provides an overall direction for learning and helps keep instruction focused on the targeted content.


Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are statements specifically describing what the learner will be able to do as a result of the course activities. It identifies what behaviors a participant must demonstrate in order to confirm the intended learning took place.



Assessments are evidence to show the learner has met the objectives. They are mechanisms to verify and measure the degree to which the learner is able to apply what they have learned in the session.


Delivery Methods and strategies

Delivery methods and strategies are ways of communicating or imparting the new information to the learner. This can be done in various ways including lecture, demonstration, group discussion, and case study.



Activities are experiences that allow the learner to practice applying the new skills and knowledge. The activities should support the instructional methods and prepare the learner for the assessments. Activities can be done as a large group, small group, or as individual assignments. Activities include written workshops, role plays, games, presentations and group discussion.





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