VAK Preferences

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic


VAK Preferences and Characteristics



Visual People

Visual people tend to say things like…

“I see what you mean“

“Looks good to me”

“I get the picture”

“That looks right”

“It’s black and white”

“It’s crystal clear”

“Let me see if I understand.”



When relaxing – prefer to watch television or video, go to the theatre or read a book

When planning a vacation – prefer reading the brochures

When lost or need directions – prefer to read a map

When connecting with a friend – prefer to talk to people face to face

When operating new equipment – prefer to read instructions

When cooking a new dish – prefers to follow a recipe

When teaching someone – prefers to write instructions

When choosing a new car – prefers to read the reviews

When thanking or rewarding someone – prefers to send a note, letter or card



Fast talkers

Forget names, remember faces

Well dressed, tidy and organized

When inactive or bored, tend to doodle or watch someone or something

When angry, tend to be silent and seethe




Auditory People

Auditory People Say Things Like…

“I hear you”

“That sounds great”

“That clicks”

“I hear what you are saying”

“That rings a bell”

“Listen, why don’t we…”

“Let’s talk this out”



When relaxing – prefer to listen to music, radio, or books on CD

When planning a vacation – prefer listening to travel recommendations

When lost or need directions – prefer to be told (spoken directions)

When connecting with a friend – prefer to talk to people on the phone

When operating new equipment – prefer to listen to explanation

When cooking a new dish – prefer to call a friend for an explanation of how to make the dish

When teaching someone – prefers to explain verbally

When choosing a new car – prefers to discuss with friends

When thanking or rewarding someone – prefers to give oral praise



Forget faces, remember names

When inactive or bored, tend to talk to themselves or others

Enjoy listening to others, but impatient to talk

When angry, tend to express themselves in outbursts

Do not like reading books or instruction manuals 




Kinesthetic People

Kinesthetic (Touch-oriented) people tend to say things like…

“That feels right” 

”That is hard for me to grasp”

“I catch your drift”

“It’s easy to handle”

“That really touches me”

“I’m itching to go”

“He rubs me the wrong way.”




When relaxing – prefer to play games and sport, writing, playing music, or hang out with friends

When lost or need directions – prefer to be shown the way

When planning a vacation – prefer imagining the experience

When operating new equipment – prefer to have a go at it and just try to use it

When cooking a new dish – prefers to follow instinct and taste as they cook

When teaching someone – prefers to demonstrate or let them have a go at it

When choosing a new car – prefers to test drive

When thanking or rewarding someone – prefers to give a pat on the back



Talks slow and use gestures and expressions

Talks to people while doing something else

Cannot sit still for long periods of time

Hugs or shake hands when meeting people

When inactive or bored, tend to fidget

When angry, tend to clench their fists, grit their teeth and storm off  



Additional Learning Styles

4MAT Learning Style Model

Gregorc mind styles model

Kolb Learning Style Model

VAK Learning Preference

Honey Mumford Learning Style

Felder-Silverman Learning Style

Herrmann’s Brain Dominance HBDI

Left-brain and Right-brain Preferences

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI