7 beliefs of Peak Performers

Your beliefs and mindset determines your actions, and your actions drives your performance.  Therefore, if you are not performing up to what you believe is your peak, you may want to reflect on your mindset. 

7 beliefs of Peak Performers

Peak performers have a different mindset than others.  They think optimistically and see possibilities where others may see roadblocks. 

Here are 7 beliefs that separate peak performers from the rest of the pack:

  1. I can do it!
  2. It takes hard work to perform at my best
  3. Setbacks are learning opportunities
  4. I am always learning
  5. I can always expand my capabilities
  6. It is not what I know, it is want I can do
  7. People are catalyst to higher performance

7 Beliefs of Peak Performers Explained

I can do it!

Peak performance starts with the belief you can perform at your peak.  You have to believe that you have what it takes to perform at your peak.  Self-confidence and a positive outlook are the cornerstone for peak performance.  Always remember that what you believe ultimately determines what you do or don’t do.

It takes hard work to perform at my best

Effort and a positive attitude have helped many people with average abilities to achieve greater success.  If you want to be a top performer in your field, you have to put the time and effort in.  Average effort equals average performance, while extra effort leads to peak performance.  Even those athletes who are blessed with exceptional natural abilities have to put the time and effort in if they want to perform at their peak.  Every person has their own individual peak performance level. 

Setbacks are learning opportunities

If you want to perform at your peak, you have to stretch yourself.  If you are stretching yourself and your abilities, you are going to have setbacks.  Setbacks are part of the road to peak performance.  If you are not having challenges and setbacks, you are not near your peak ability.  The key is learning and growing from those setbacks and improving your performance.  Don’t worry about things you can’t control.  Top performers realize that worrying gets you no further along, especially if you can’t do anything about a situation.

I am always learning

Peak performers are always looking to grow and develop their abilities.  They seek out learning opportunities for themselves.  There is always new information about new techniques or new strategies for performing.   

I can always expand my capabilities

Peak performers have a growth mindset.  No matter what you have accomplished, you can always get better.  Even after winning vital Super Bowls, Tom Brady kept looking for ways to improve his performance.  He would still be one of the first ones at the training facility in the morning. 


It is not what I know, it is want I can do

Performance is all about doing.  You can know what needs to be done and how to do it, but if you don’t accomplish it, it doesn’t matter.   Ben Franklin said “He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.” 

It is important to always learn, but it is even more important to apply that learning.  Performance is about action and doing. 

People are catalysts to higher performance

Peak performers know it is very hard to achieve their goals all by themselves.  They view others as a vital part of their journey to peak performance.  They seek out coaches, teachers, family members to share in their goals and help propel them to peak performance. 

Surround yourself with people who are supported and enthusiastic about helping you perform at your best. 

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