Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a tool used to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. The plan identifies the employee’s performance issue(s), sets performance goals, and outlines a plan for reaching those goals.
A performance improvement plan is made for an employee who is not meeting performance expectations. It is a formal document identifying an employee’s performance issues along with goals and steps needed to address those concerns. It can be used to address an employee’s inability to meet specific job goals or to improve behavior-related problems.
A performance improvement plan shows the employee that the organization understands their current challenges and that they are committed to helping that individual improve their performance.
It is better for an organization to invest time and resources into helping an employee improve their performance than it is to terminate them. The costs and time associated with PIPs are minimal compared to what it would cost to recruit and train a replacement for that employee.
There are several benefits to a PIP including:
A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and a Personal Development Plan (PDP) are often thought to be the same, however, they are very different. Although both focus on performance improvement, the purpose for each is very different.
A PIP is used to resolve workplace productivity issues for employees who are not meeting expectations.
A PDP is a tool to help employees who are meeting or exceeding expectations to grow their talents and abilities even more.
Essentially, a PIP gets a poorly performing employee to the minimal required performance levels, while a PDP outlines opportunities so good employees get better.